Tips to be stay happy and productive working remotely

By Shyam Nagarajan     1 Mins Read

Tips to be stay happy and productive working remotely

Shyam Nagarajan / Reading Time: 1 mins

The world has been forced to embrace remote working. While this future was inevitable COVID-19 has only accelerated the adoption.

Many companies did not get the opportunity to learn the tricks of the trade or get time to transition into a remote working set up. We, at GoFloaters, have been trying to make remote working work for us for the last 2 years and we continue to face challenges.

We wanted to do our bit in helping individuals and teams incorporate remote working and make the best out of it and come out stronger and better prepared to embrace the future of work.

We have compiled this document that has nuggets of advice from remote workers, leaders who have embraced remote working for their organisations that could help you make this transition.

Category: Remote work